Our Service aims to meet the needs of children by providing a clean, safe, and hygienic place for nappy changes and toileting. We believe that nappy-changing and toileting rituals provided in a caring and responsive manner are valuable opportunities to promote children’s learning, meet individual needs, and to develop strong relationships with children.
2.1 | Health | Each child’s health and physical activity is supported and promoted. |
2.1.1 | Wellbeing and comfort | Each child’s wellbeing and comfort is provided for, including appropriate opportunities to meet each child’s needs for sleep, rest and relaxation. |
2.1.2 | Health practices and procedures | Effective illness and injury management and hygiene practices are promoted and implemented. |
2.2 | Safety | Each child is protected. |
2.2.1 | Supervision | At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard. |
2.2.2 | Incident and emergency management | Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practised and implemented. |
2.2.3 | Child Protection | Management, educators and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities to identify and respond to every child at risk of abuse or neglect. |
103 | Premises, furniture and equipment to be safe, clean and in good repair |
105 | Furniture, materials and equipment |
106 | Laundry and hygiene facilities |
109 | Toilet and hygiene facilities |
112 | Nappy change facilities |
115 | Premises designed to facilitate supervision |
155 | Interactions with children |
156 | Relationships in groups |
168 | Education and Care Services must have policies and procedures |
170 | Policies and procedures are to be followed |
Hand Washing Policy Health and Safety Policy Supervision Policy |
We aim to ensure best practice guidelines are adhered to for nappy changing and toileting, ensuring that children’s bathrooms and nappy change areas are maintained in a hygienic state in order to eliminate or reduce the spread of infectious disease. Our Service will also ensure that nappy change and toileting routines are used as an opportunity for one-on-one interactions between the educator and child.
This policy applies to children, families, staff, management, Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor, and visitors of the Service.
Nappy changes and toileting routines are incorporated into our routine, both at designated times and throughout the day to meet children’s individual needs. Educators will communicate with parents to develop continuity between our Service and home in regard to their child’s nappy change and toileting practices. We will develop a toileting plan in consultation with parents to develop a consistent approach to toilet training.Educators must be responsive to special requirements related to culture, religion, or privacy.
Toileting and nappy changing will be carried out at frequent intervals throughout the day. Children who are in nappies will have each nappy change recorded in the Nappy Change Register by educators. This is situated foyer corridor for parents to sight.Educators will monitor the progress of a child’s toilet training and provide information to parents of how many times the child actually sat on the toilet or managed to use the toilet in a day.
Having their needs met quickly and in a caring responsive way builds children’s sense of trust and security. It is also important to remember that the way that early childhood educators react to soiled or wet nappies, toileting needs, and toileting accidents give children powerful messages about themselves and their bodies.
Nappy changing and toileting routines are an excellent opportunity for educators to:
- conduct one-to-one interactions with babies, toddlers, and children, giving them undivided attention
- build trusting and caring relationships with babies, toddlers, and children
- interact with babies and toddlers using verbal and non-verbal communication and respond to children’s communication
- participate in age-appropriate activities with children, such as singing, saying rhymes
- build children’s understanding of what is happening by inviting them to the bathroom and supporting their ability to predict what will happen next in the routine
- help children begin to develop and extend their self-help skills, which includes handwashing and dressing, and encouraging children to identify the feeling of accomplishment and pride that come with this.
All educators will carry out nappy changing; however, at times if a student is required to carry out this as part of their practical requirements, they will be under the constant supervision of a qualified educator. Where possible, the infant/child’s primary educator will change nappies for consistency and building trust.
Should a parent be in the bathroom helping their child, a staff member must accompany any other children needing to use the bathroom at the same time orbe able to observe the bathroom through a viewing window.
Appropriate hygiene practices must be maintained, and procedures followed to minimise any risk of infection at all times. Educators will continuously role-model and promote healthy hygiene practices and hand washing procedures, encouraging and supporting the children to follow these practices.
- provide adequate and appropriate hygienic facilities for nappy changingand toileting
- ensure nappy changing and toileting areas are safe and do not pose a risk to children (Reg. 106)
- ensure nappy change facilities are designed and located in a way that prevents unsupervised access by children
- ensure that the nappy change facilities are designed and maintained in a way that facilitates supervision of children at all times, having regard to the need to maintain the rights and dignity of the children using the facilities
- provide adequate supplies for nappy changing and toileting at all times
- ensure that adult and children’s hand washing facilities are located within the nappy change area(Reg. 112)
- ensure handwashing posters are displayed in bathrooms and nappy change areas
- consult the Building Code of Australia to ensure nappy change benches are properly constructed andcompliant (Centre-based services)
- ensure nappy bins have a ‘hands-free’ lid
- ensure nappy bins are located out of children’s reach, preferably in a child-proof cupboard
- ensure nappy change procedures remain compliant and current
- ensure documentation to record information about nappy changing and toileting is consistent and monitored
- ensure nappy change table/mats are hygienically cleaned and kept in excellent condition at all times to reduce the spread of infection- no holes, cracks, creases
- provide information to families at time of enrolment about:
- use of disposable nappies
- procedures if their child develops or presents with nappy rash
- Administration of Medication authorisation for application of products to treat nappy rash including prescription treatments or over the counter creams
- requests to provide adequate supplies of clothes for children who are toilet training
- the importance of ongoing and open communication between educators and families about nappy changing and toilet training with their child
- implement policies, procedures, and training with educators to ensure nappy change procedures support children’s safety, protection, relationships, and learning
- develop systems with educators to ensure that soiled clothing and soiled nappies are disposed of or stored in a location that children cannot access
- ensure children’s nappies are changed at scheduled regular intervals at a minimum
- ensure educators check nappies throughout the day to ensure children are not susceptible to nappy rash and discomfort. A system to record this routine will be maintained for reporting purposes.
- ensure nappy change and hand washing procedures are displayed visually and in community languages as appropriate in children’s bathrooms and the nappy change area
- ensure nappy bins are emptied once during the day and at the end of each day, or more regularly as required
- request families to provide additional change of clothes for children who are toilet training
- discuss children’s individual needs with families to ensure practices are reflective of their home
environment and are culturally sensitive
- provide information to families regarding children’s nappy changes and toileting progress
- utilise nappy change times to interact with children, toddlers, and babies on an individual basis. The nappy change time will allow educators to converse, sing, play, and generally interact with the child. This time is a particularly good time for supporting language skills.
- organise the nappy change area to promote positive interactions and promote positive learning experiences. For example, place pictures or mobiles to stimulate children’s interactions and to encourage learning and language development.
- ensure physical contact and direct supervision with babies and toddlers throughout the nappy change experience
- ensure no child is left alone on a nappy change mat or bench
- keep nappy change areas fully stocked with all required materials at all times
- ensure that nappy change and toileting supplies are readily accessible to staff to ensure efficiency and the health and safety of each child
- encourage mobile children to walk to the nappy change area
- assist the mobile baby or toddler to walk up the steps onto the nappy change bench to minimise lifting by educators and to promote children’s agency. Where a child is not walking, educators will follow manual handling practices to lift and carry the baby to the nappy change mat.
- always follow Service’s documentation requirements for nappy changing and toileting and communicating with families (
see Nappy changing procedure below) - only apply nappy cream to a child if authorisation is provided in an Administration of Medication form
Our Service accepts enrolments of children who have not yet been toilet trained. Toileting occurs at any time of the day and is specific to individual needs. Educators will communicate with parents/guardians to develop consistency between home and the service in regard to their child’s toileting habits. Educators must be aware of and consider any special requirements related to culture, religion, or privacy needs.
Decisions about when to begin toilet training will be made by families or may occur through shared decision making between families and early childhood professionals. This decision is based on mutual respect and open communication, which is crucial for a successful outcome. Families may have strong views and preferences about when and how their child learns to use the toilet, which may come from their cultural background or individual preferences, which must be respected by educators and staff.
The priority of the individual child’s wellbeing is paramount, and the decision to begin assisting the child to learn to use the toilet should be based on signs of readiness from the child and discussion with families.
Early signs of readiness may start to appear when children are around two years old, but generally appear closer to the child’s third birthday. However, generally boys will show signs of readiness later than girls. These signs may include:
- showing interest in the toilet, including having an interest in others using the toilet
- indicating a need to go to the toilet either before, or while they are passing urine or faeces
- staying dryer for longer periods of time
- beginning to dislike wearing a nappy and perhaps trying to pull it off when it’s wet or soiled
- indicating a desire to sit on the toilet
It is important to keep the process subdued and not place unnecessary attention and pressure on the child to perform. Acknowledging children’s successes, no matter how infrequent or small is vital for their self-esteem and confidence. Families and educators can expect accidents, which should be treated respectfully, without fuss, and in a supportive manner.
Educators and families will communicate with each other regarding how the toilet learning is progressing, both in care and at home. This will support children to become more familiar and comfortable with the toilet training process. Children will be given the opportunity to complete the toileting procedure, such as toileting, flushing the toilet, and washing and drying their hands, but will always be supervised and assisted if required.
During this milestone, children should be empowered and encouraged to be successful. Toilet training varies for individual children. As educators we can take advantage of the child being in a group and the many opportunities that provides for learning from each other. Educators and families need to remember that comparing children is inappropriate as there will always be individual differences and variables.
- request parents to supply a clean change of clothing for children who are toilet training
- assist the child to use the toilet
- assist the child to get dressed (and if required, change into dry clothes)
- encourage children, especially girls, to wipe front to back to reduce introducing bowel bacteria to the urinary tract
- encourage children to flush the toilet
- encourage and assist children to wash and dry their hands thoroughly as per Handwashing Policy
If the child has soiled or wet their clothes:
- place soiled clothes in a plastic bag or alternative and keep these in a designated area for parents to take home- rinse any wet and/or soiled clothes
- wash their own hands after helping children use the toilet
- wear disposable gloves, paper towel, disposable cloths, detergent anddisinfectant,if necessary, when dealing with spills- such as urine, faeces or vomit
The Nappy Change and Toileting Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis in conjunction with children, families, educators and staff.
Nappy Change Procedure Bathroom and Nappy Change Cleaning Checklist | Cloth Nappies Guide and Procedure Nappy Change Record |
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. (2014).
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. National Quality Standard Information Sheet. (2018) Toileting and Nappy Changing Principles and Practices.
Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics. (2016).
Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2011).
Family & Community Services. (2019). Babies and toddlers: Toilet training:
Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2017).
Guide to the National Quality Framework. (2017). (Amended 2020).
National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (5th Ed.). Australia: Commonwealth of Australia. NSW Government.
Raising Children Network (2018) Nappy rash
Revised National Quality Standard. (2018).
The NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Western Australian Education and Care Services National Regulations
MODIFICATIONS | Sources checked for currencyMinor edits throughout policyAdditional section added for Continuous ImprovementAdditional section added for Related ResourcesNappy change procedure removed from policy (separate resource available)link to Western Australian Education and Care Services National Regulations added in ‘Sources’ | ||
JANUARY 2022 | Review of policy as part of annual cycle processMinor edits in formattingSources checked for currency | JANUARY 2023 | |
JANUARY 2021 | additional related policiesadditional information added to Approved Provider section re: parent communicationadministration of medication forms required for application of nappy rash creamadditional section for educators related to toilet traininginclusion of ‘draft’ Nappy change procedure as Appendix 1 | JANUARY 2022 | |
JANUARY 2020 | Additional information added to points.Sources/references corrected, updated. |