What We do
At Creative Hands Early Learning, your child will experience an engaging and comprehensive Educational Program which aligns with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) for Australia. This framework guides our planning and evaluation of children’s learning experiences and provides a basis for ensuring that our Centre, Intentional Teaching Methods, Relationships, and Practices provide children with the optimum environment for learning!
Research tells us that children learn best when they engage in a play-based, self-directed environment – where they are supported to explore the world around them. Our inclusive programs provide a vast range of learning areas to support literacy, numeracy, wellbeing, creativity, and beyond.
We understand the importance of educating children about our natural environments. Our sustainable practices are interwoven into all aspects of our Centre. From our herb and veggie gardens to our worm farm, or recycling stations – we aim to teach children to be environmentally aware.
Creative Hands Early Learning will work alongside you and your family to ensure your child is learning foundational life skills which will prepare them for future education and more, whilst still having loads of fun!