Eat for Health – Australian Dietary Guidelines, 2013, Commonwealth of Australia: www.eatforhealth.gov.au
Healthy Kids website is a joint initiative of NSW Health, the Heart Foundation, NSW Sport and Recreation and NSW Department of Education and Communities. This site provides supportive information on promoting healthy eating for children as well as information and resources related to the Munch & Move program: www.healthykids.nsw.gov.au
Munch & Move resources:
Get Up & Grow resources. The Commonwealth Government have developed a comprehensive set of resources entitled Get up and Grow designed to be used in a wide range of early childhood settings by families, educators and carers.
Go for 2&5 is an Australian Government, State and Territory health initiative, promoting the good health benefits of eating fruit and vegetables. This site includes many fruit and vegetable recipes: www.gofor2and5.com.au
Nutrition Australia website: www.nutritionaustralia.org.au
Healthy Food for Families (cookbook)
Nutrition for Toddlers and Young Children
Publications on a variety of topics
The Feeding and Eating Experts: www.vic.gov.au/give-your-child-the-best-start-in-life
Better Health Channel: www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/HealthyLiving/childcare-and-healthy-eating